Friday, September 27 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Class Period 1:

1) We had the Week 5 Unit Test.

2) I went over the "Friendly Letter" Writing Assignment with the class. An example, from the RWN book, is below.

Class Period 2:

1) Each student wrote a letter to a friend. I told the students they need write the friendly letters on one page full page in their Bubble Books. I want the students to complete the rest for homework and turn in on Monday. I will tear the page out later to check it and put it in their folders.

Students need to write THEIR OWN friendly letter, so I don't want their stories to copy the one in the example or any examples from the internet. Let the student make writing mistakes. This is the first draft. I will correct them later.

Students should follow the structure of the example below, but not the contents. Here is the structure I want them to use:


Dear (Name of friend the student is writing to)


Say hello

Ask the friend how he/she is doing

Tell him/her how you are doing

Say why you are writing

Tell him/her what you would like him/her to do


Wish him/her a nice day


Kind Regards,

(Name of the student who is writing)


1) Friendly Letter. Write to a friend about something interesting on one full page of the Bubble Book. The letter must be the student's own work.

2) OkSensay weekly assignment.


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