Monday, September 16 Classes
Hello Everyone,
Here is what we covered today:
Class Period 2:
1) We went over all the "Tripping the Lunch Lady", Part 1 vocabulary, from #1-30:
Dalmatian (n.)-a big dog with short, white fur and dark spots
frilly (adj.)- with a lot of extra things that are added to something to make it more pleasant or more attractive, but that are not necessary
promenade (v)- to walk slowly along a street or path, usually where you can be seen by many people, for relaxation and pleasure
sprain (v.)- to cause an injury to a joint (= a place where two bones are connected) by a sudden movement
substitute (n.)- a thing or person that is used instead of another thing or person
annual (adj.)-happening once every year
host (n.)- a person who introduces guests and performers, especially on television or radio
injure (v.)- to hurt or cause physical harm to a person or animal
furniture (n.)- things such as chairs, tables, beds, cupboards, etc. that are put into a house or other building to make it suitable and comfortable for living or working in
arena (n.)- a large, flat area surrounded by seats used for sports or entertainment
heal (v.)- to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury
collar (n.)- a strap made of leather or other strong material that is put around the neck of an animal, especially a dog or cat
lacy (adj.)- made of or decorated with a decorative cloth made by twisting thin thread in delicate patterns with holes in them
commercial (n.)- an advertisement that is broadcast on television or radio
stay tuned (idiom)- to keep one's television or radio on a particular channel or station; usually said before a break for advertising.
overcome (v.)- to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something
obstacle (n.)- something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult
humorous (adj.)- funny, or making you laugh
gymnast (n.)- a person who is skilled in gymnastics, often someone who competes in gymnastic competitions
locker (n.)- a cupboard, often tall and made of metal, in which you can keep your possessions, and leave them for a period of time
janitor (n.)- a person employed to take care of a large building, such as a school, and who deals with the cleaning, repairs, etc.
embarrassing (adj.)- making you feel ashamed or shy
trampoline (n.)- a piece of sports equipment that you jump up and down on, consisting of a piece of strong material joined by springs to a frame
choke (v.)- If you choke, or if something chokes you, you stop breathing because something is blocking your throat
jinx (n.)- bad luck, or a person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck
refer to (v.)- to call someone or something by a particular name or title
stray (n.)- a pet that no longer has a home or cannot find its home
cabin (n.)- a small, simple house made of wood
accident (n.)- something bad that happens that is not expected or intended and that often damages something or injures someone
steak (n.)- a thick, flat slice of meat or fish that is cooked quickly
1) Vocabulary #1-10 x4, definition x1
2) Parents should sign the student's test and the student should make corrections (except for the blank answers in the listening and writing section) and give it back to me on Wednesday, September 18. The practice worksheet from last Thursday should be corrected and handed back also.
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