Monday, September 30 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Period 2:


Week 6 Vocabulary:

enable (v)- to make someone able to do something, or to make something possible

scarce (adj.)- rare or not available in large amounts

specialize- (v.)- to change or develop in order to suit a particular environment or situation, or to perform a particular function; to study or work on a particular subject or skill more than any others, so that you become an expert in it

critical (adj.)- very important for the way things will happen in the future

mucus (n.)- a thick liquid produced inside the nose and other parts of the body

sterile (adj.)- completely clean and without any bacteria

adapt (v.)- to change something so that it is suitable for a different use or situation

bacteria (n.)-very small living things that sometimes cause disease

digest (v.)- to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use

disease (n.)- an illness caused by an infection or by a failure of health and not by an accident

pneumonia (n.)- a serious illness in which your lungs fill with liquid and it is difficult to breathe

helpful (adj.)- useful

harmful (adj.)- causing or likely to cause harm

reproduce (v.)- If people, animals, or plants reproduce, they produce babies or young animals or plants

survive (v.)- to continue to live after almost dying because of an accident, illness, etc

gross (adj.)- very unpleasant

nauseating (adj.)- If something is nauseating, it makes you want to vomit

swell (v.)- to increase in size

behavior (n.)- the way that you behave

shelter (n.)- a place that protects you from bad weather or danger

gobble down (v.)- to eat food very quickly

nutritious (adj.)- nutritious food contains substances that your body needs to stay healthy

predator (n.)- an animal that kills and eats other animals

dung (n.)- solid waste from a large animal

digestive (adj.)- relating to digestion

organ (n.)- a part of an animal or plant that has a special purpose

nutrient (n.)- any substance that animals need to eat and plants need from the soil in order to live and grow

slimy (adj.)- covered in slime

provide (v.)- to supply something to someone

protective (adj.)- giving protection



1) Vocabulary #1-10 x4, definition x1

2) Several student did not complete the writing assignment that was due today. Since we need to write three drafts (rough draft, second draft, final draft), I really need the students to turn in their Friendly Letter writing assignment to me. I already allowed the students one class period to work on their assignment and I set it for their homework on Friday. As a reminder, students need to write a one-page Friendly Letter in their bubble books. 

The Friendly Letter writing description and an example can be found below:

2) I gave the students back their tests today. Parents should sign the student's test and the student should make corrections (except for the blank answers in the listening and writing section) and give it back to me tomorrow, Tuesday, October 1

3) There is a new OKSensay assignment this week. You can find it here:


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