Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Class Period 0:

1) We went over the Sensay AI voice recognition homework system that we will be using every week this semester. Students will need to complete (repeat a paragraph or answer reading comprehension questions) the weekly assignments at home by recording their voice and getting a score. I will go over this in more detail during the PTO on Saturday, but here are some resources:

login website: oksensay.com

Sensay YouTube channel tutorial videos: https://www.youtube.com/@oksensay/videos

2) I reviewed about 5 vocabulary words.

Class Period 7:

Reading Street pages 27-32. We read half of the story "Weslandia". I summarized the readings and asked the class questions.


1) Vocabulary #16-25 x4, definition x1

2) Please remember to sign the student's quiz with their corrections.


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