Thursday, September 26 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Class Period 1:

1) Filled out communication books.

2) I reviewed all the vocabulary with the students. Again, the vocabulary can be found here:

3) Reading Street, pages 65-67: Finished reading "Tripping Over the Lunch Lady"

Here is a Read Aloud for the story:

Class Period 2:

1) RWN, Page 262: We learned about the prefixes (word beginnings) over-, under-, sub-, super-, and -out and how they were used in new words:






















Study these words as they will be tested on in the same was as they are in the Unit 2 Test Review Worksheet.

2) Unit 2 Test Review Worksheet. This worksheet has a similar format to what the students will see on Friday. For Part A, we did not do in class, so just leave it blank. Anything the students did not finish in class is homework. 


Worksheet Answers:


1) Complete the Unit 2 Unit Test Review Worksheet.

2) Study for the Unit test tomorrow.

3) Weekly OkSensay assignment


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