Monday, October 28 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Class Period 1

RWN, Pages 289-290:  We did exercises with words containing the -ible and -able suffixes. 

Page 289:We circled the words that were spelled wrongly and wrote their correct spellings.

Page 290: We answered questions about specific parts of a paragraph we read. We have three more questions to finish.


1) Study for the Written Test. It is tomorrow, October 29.

2) Complete any Review Worksheets that are late.

3) Type up the Friendly Letter and give it to me on USB or email ( as soon as possible. 

4) OKSensay Reading Comprehension assignment.

5) Log onto Savvas and complete the reading assignments. I assigned the reading "Stormi Giovanni." Students have until next Friday, November 1 to complete this reading.


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