Monday, October 7 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Period 2:


Week 7 Vocabulary:

1.antennae (n.)- a pair of long, thin organs that are found on the heads of insects and crustaceans (= animals with hard outer shells) and are used to feel with

2.mandible (n.)- in insects, one of the two parts of the mouth used for biting and cutting food

3.foreleg (n.)- one of the two front legs of an animal with four or more legs

4.thorax (n.)- in insects, the middle part of the body, between the head and the abdomen (= end part)

5.abdomen (n.)- the end of an insect's body

6.hind leg (n.)- one of the two rear legs of an animal with four or more legs

7.nest mate (n.)- an insect that lives in the same nest as another insect

8.gather round (v.)- when people or animals come together in a group

9.aborigine (n.)- a word for a member of one of the groups of people who were the first people to live in Australia

10.sticky (adj.)- made of or covered with a substance that stays attached to any surface it touches

11.explode (v.)- to break up into pieces violently, or to cause something to do this

12.defend (v.)- to protect someone or something against attack or criticism

13.manufacture (v.)- make

14.chemical (n.)- any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules

15.mandibular gland (n.)- In ants, paired saclike structures in the head opening near the base of the mandibles

16.intruder (n.)- someone who is in a place or situation where they are not wanted

17.invader (n.)- an army or country that uses force to enter and take control of another country

18.contract (v.)- to make or become shorter or narrower or generally smaller in size

19.threatened (adj.)- in danger, or likely to stop existing

20.spit up (v.)- to bring food up from the stomach out of the mouth, or cough something up out of the mouth

21.prey / prey on (n./ v.)- an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal; to kill and eat an animal

22.roost (v.)- When birds roost, they go somewhere to rest or sleep.

23.swallow whole (v.)- to cause food, drink, pills, etc. to move, without chewing, in one piece from your mouth into your stomach by using the muscles of your throat

24.mammal (n.)- any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body

25.chuck up (v.)- to vomit

26.feathered (adj.)- having feathers

27.predator (n.)- an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other animals

28.waste (n.) - unwanted matter or material of any type, especially what is left after useful substances or parts have been removed

29.pellet (n.)- a small hard ball or tube-shaped piece of any substance

30.python (n.)- a very large snake that kills animals for food by wrapping itself around them and crushing them



1) Vocabulary #1-10 x4, definition x1

2) There is a new OKSensay reading comprehension assignment this week. For those of you who still have students who are in the wrong level in OKSensay, please use this link:


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