Friday, October 11 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Class Period 1:

1) I reviewed the vocabulary I introduced on Monday:

2) Students took their Unit exams.

3) I played the Pixar Encanto song "Surface Pressure" for the class:

Class Period 2:

RWN page 273: Students learned about homophones, words with the same sound but different spellings and meanings (Example: chili is a spicy food, while chilly is cold weather). This page contains a word box and I went over all of the homophones in the word box and their meanings. We then filled in the blanks to sentences that used homophones.


1) Students took the unit test

2) 5 sentences with 2 vocabulary in each sentence.

3) Sensay Week 7 assignment. 

4) (NEW) Sensay Week 8 Read Aloud activity is now available in case students want to get an early start on it. Please login to your accounts to access it. If that's not possible, or if parents want to practice with their children, please visit this link:


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