Thursday, October 17 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Class Period 1:

1) I showed students how to log onto Savvas ( to find textbook material for the class. 

2) We played a couple of warm-up games on Savvas with the unit vocabulary, including a Trivia game and a shoot the correct vocabulary game. 

3)I showed an introductory video for the semester units and a video for the latest unit on Savvas. 

3) Reading Street pages 104-107: I talked about what generalizing means in stories and how we can use this tool in our readings. We started reading the short story "First Day Without Joy".

Class Period 2:

Reading Street pages 107-109: We finished the story "First Day Without Joy" and I asked students questions about the reading. I then taught students how to learn unfamiliar words using context clues, and we read another short story: "Trouble in TV Land". I highlighted the vocabulary words from the text and asked students questions from the reading.


1) Vocabulary #21-30, Write 4x, Def. 4x

2) Hand in your final "Friendly Letter" drafts on USB as soon as possible.

3) Sensay Week 8 Read Aloud activity. Please log in to your accounts to access it.

4) Try logging into Savvas and browsing around there. You can find the online textbook, games, assignments, and other resources here.


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