Monday, November 25 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here's what we covered in class:

Class Period 2

Introduced Week 14 "The Skunk Ladder" Vocabulary:

pile (n.)- objects positioned one on top of another

stump (n.)-the part of something such as a tree, tooth, arm, or leg that is left after most of it has been removed 

screen (v.)- to protect or hide

hay (n.)- grass that is cut and dried and used as animal food

engineering (n.)- the work of an engineer, for example, designing or building machines, electrical equipment, roads, etc. using scientific principles

concentrate (v.)- to direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject, or problem

proud (adj.)- feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with you have done or got something good:

purely (adj.)- only

aesthetically (adv.)- in a way that relates to the enjoyment or study of beauty

pleasing (adj.)- giving a feeling of satisfaction or enjoyment

practical (adj.)- relating to experience, real situations, or actions rather than ideas or imagination

tame (v.)- (especially of animals) not wild or dangerous, either naturally or because of training or long involvement with humans

fairly (adv.)- used to emphasize figurative expressions that describe what people or objects are doing

enthusiasm (n.)- a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it

I bet. (v. phrase)- I imagine or am fairly certain (that)

fade (v.)- to lose color, brightness, or strength gradually

ponder (v.)- to think carefully about something, especially for a noticeable length of time

possibility (n.)- a chance that something may happen or be true

drag (v.)- to move something by pulling it along a surface, usually the ground

undergo (v.)- to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change

fit (n.)- a sudden attack of illness when someone cannot control their movements and becomes unconscious

hysteria (n.)- extreme fear, excitement, anger, etc. that cannot be controlled

tedious (adj.)- boring

approach (v.)- to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or amount

odor (n.)- a particular smell, esp. a bad one

nostril (n.)- either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when you breathe

plummet (v.)- to fall very quickly and suddenly

inclination (n.)- a feeling that you want to do a particular thing, or the fact that you prefer or are more likely to do a particular thing

peek (v.)- to look, especially for a short time or while trying to avoid being seen

stride (v.)- to walk somewhere quickly with long steps



1) Week 14 Vocabulary #1-10, write words x4, write definitions x4

2) OKSensay Week 14 Reading Comprehension Questions.


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