Thursday, November 11 Classes
Hello Everyone,
Here's what we covered in class:
Class Period 1
1) Reviewed Week 12 "The Gymnast" Vocabulary:
1. yap: to talk in a shrill insistent way
2. proud: feeling or showing pride
3. pounded: to strike heavily or repeatedly
4. athlete: a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring physical strength, agility, or stamina
5. solitary: being, living, or going alone or without companions
6. aluminum: a silver-white metallic chemical element with that has good electrical and thermal conductivity, high reflectivity, and resistance to oxidation
7. arbor: a shelter of vines or branches or of latticework covered with climbing shrubs or vines
8. show-off: to display proudly
9. slyly: clever in concealing one's aims or end
10. stomped: to walk with a loud heavy step usually in anger
11. water balloons: balloons filled with water and used to have a water fight
12. churned: to stir or agitate violently
13. flour: a product consisting of finely milled wheat
14. glided: to move smoothly, continuously, and effortlessly
15. hose: a flexible tube for conveying fluids (as from a faucet or hydrant)
16. cool: moderately cold: lacking in warmth
17. playground: a piece of land used for and usually equipped with facilities for recreation especially by children
18. finally: after a prolonged time: at the end of period of time
19. cost: the amount or equivalent paid or charged for something
20. dozen: a group of 12
21. slippers: a light low-cut shoe that is easily slipped on the foot
22. summery: of, resembling, or fit for summer
23. ankles: the joint between the foot and the leg
24. piranha: any of various usually small South American characin fishes that have very sharp teeth, often appear in schools, and include some that may attack and inflict dangerous wounds upon humans and large animals
25. faraway: lying at a great distance
26. barbecue: to roast or broil (food, such as meat) on a rack or revolving spit over or before a source of heat (such as hot coals or a gas flame)
27. vise: any of various tools with two jaws for holding work that close usually by a screw, lever, or cam
28. dusk: the darker part of twilight especially at night
29. probably: reasonably true, factual, or to be expected: without much doubt
30. audience: a group of listeners or spectators
2) Finished RWN, Page 295: Filled in blanks with the words that belonged to the groups of words.
3) Reviewed the negative prefixes il, im, in, ir and when they are USUALLY used:
il-: Used before words beginning with l
Examples: illegal, illegible
im-: Used before words beginning with m or p
Examples: immoral, impossible
in-: Used before words that do not begin with l, m, p, or r
Examples: inaccurate, incomplete, invisible
ir-: Used before words beginning with r
Examples: irregular, irresponsible
Class Period 2
1) RWN, Page 300. Found the misspelled words and wrote them down, then circled the correctly spelled word from three choices.
2) Handed out the Week 12 Unit Practice Test Worksheet. We did not do the spelling for Section A in class.
Worksheet Answers:
1) Week 12 Unit Test Practice Worksheet.
2) Study for tomorrow's unit test.
2) OKSensay Week 12 Comprehension Questions.
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