Thursday, November 7 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here is what we covered today:

Class Period 1

1) Reviewed Week 11 Vocabulary: 

1. limelightthe center of public attention

2. hesitationan act or instance of hesitating

3. somersaulta movement (as in gymnastics) in which a person turns forward or backward in a complete revolution along the ground or in the air bringing the feet over the head

4. gymnasticsphysical exercises designed to develop strength and coordination

5. cartwheelsa lateral handspring with arms and legs extended

6. throbbingto pulsate or pound with abnormal force or rapidity

7. wincingto shrink back involuntarily (as from pain)

8. skiddedto apply a brake or skid toslow or halt by a skid

9. bluishsomewhat bluehaving a tinge of blue

10. back flipa backward somersault especially in the air

11. backyardan area at the rear of a house

12. breathedhaving breath especially of a specified kind

13. straightestfree from curves, bends, angles, or irregularities

14. passengersa traveler in a public or private conveyance

15. appreciativehaving or showing appreciation

16. drops of sweat: liquid that forms from sweating

17. dry hands: when your hands have no moisture

18. nutrientsa substance or ingredient that promotes growth, provides energy, and maintains life

19. jealoushostile toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage

20. miserablebeing in a pitiable state of distress or unhappiness (as from want or shame)

21. vinyla polymer of a vinyl compound or a product (such as a resin or a textile fiber) made from such a polymer

22. closet: a cabinet or recess for especially china, household utensils, or clothing

23. slippersa light low-cut shoe that is easily slipped on the foot

24. lawnground (as around a house or in a garden or park) that is covered with grass and is kept mowed

25. sunflower seeds: seeds that come from sunflowers

26. bandagesa strip of fabric used especially to cover, dress, and bind up wounds

27. pulsating:  to throb or move rhythmically

28. Chinese checkersa game in which each player seeks to be the first to transfer a set of marbles from a home point to the opposite point of a pitted 6-pointed star by single moves or jumps

29. garden a plot of ground where herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables are cultivated

30. dizzyhaving a whirling sensation in the head with a tendency to fall


2) We worked on the Week 11 Vocabulary Test Practice Worksheet:

Week 11 Vocabulary Test Practice Worksheet Answers:

Class Period 2

Read Reading Street, page 141: this page contained the short story "It's Easier in Daydreams", about a girl becoming interested in gymnastics and her struggle towards wanting to reach her goal of being in the Olympics. I highlighted vocabulary words and discussed how they fit into the story. I also ask the class questions about the story.


1) Homework: Week 11 Vocabulary Test Practice Worksheet

2) OKSensay Week 11 Read Aloud Assignment.


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