Wednesday, November 27 Classes

Hello Everyone,

Here's what we covered in class:

Class Period 2

Reading Street, Pages 171-172

Page 171: Read “The Day of Two Adventures” about a family of three people who went on a hiking adventure together. One of them, Gramps, had another extra adventure of making muffins for the first time.

Page 172: Talked about looking out for Greek or Latin roots in words. We talked about the book example that broke down the word excavation into three separate parts (ex-=out of, cave=hollow, -ation=act or process of) in order to use these roots to determine the meaning of the word. We did the same thing for the word archeology. When broken into archaic (old) and -ology (the study of), we were able to determine archaeology means the study of old things.


1) Write Week 14 Vocabulary #21-30

2) OKSensay Week 14 Reading Comprehension Questions.


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