Thursday, December 5 Class

Hello Everyone,

Here's what we covered in class:

Class Period 1

Reviewed Week 15 "Unsinkable Wreck of the RMS Titanic" Vocabulary, #1-20. Our test tomorrow will only be only be on these words. The spelling words will be the simpler ones:

1. debris (n.)- broken or torn pieces of something larger

2. robotic (adj.)- like or relating to a robot

3. sonar (n.)- equipment, especially on a ship, that uses sound waves to discover how deep the water is or the position of an object in the water, such as a group of fish

4. cramped (adj.)- not having enough space or time

5. interior (n.)- the inside part of something

6. ooze (n.)- to flow slowly out of something through a small opening, or to slowly produce a thick sticky liquid

7. sedimentation (n.)- a process in which small pieces of a solid material fall to the bottom of a liquid and form a layer

8. high-tech (adj.)- using the most advanced and developed machines and methods

9. submersible (adj.)- able to be used or to travel underwater

10. withstand (v.)- to be strong enough, or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person or thing successfully

11. pressure (n.)- the force that a liquid or gas produces when it presses against an area

12. submarine (n.)- a ship that can travel underwater

13. ping (n/v)- a short, sharp sound; to make a short, sharp sound

14. viewport (n.)- a window 

15. shipwreck (n.)- an accident in which a ship is destroyed or sunk at sea, especially by hitting rocks, or a ship that has been destroyed or sunk in such an accident

16. materialize (v.)- to appear suddenly

17. effortlessly (adv.)- in a way that is effortless (= seeming not to need any effort)

18. windlass (n.)- a machine that lifts heavy objects by turning a chain or rope around a tube-shaped device

19. maiden (adj.)- being the first of its type

20. voyage (n.)- a long journey, especially by ship


Class Period 2

1) RWN, Page 330: Learned about articles (a/an/the) and adjectives, circled the articles and adjectives in the sentence, filled in the blanks with the correct articles, and wrote our own adjectives.

Week 15 and 16 Worksheets:

Page 327, 329, and 330 Answers:


1) Week 15 Vocabulary #21-30, write words x4, write definitions x1

2) Week 15 Practice Worksheet. I handed these out at the end of the class:

3) Study for the Week 15 Vocabulary Test tomorrow. Only vocabulary words 1-20 will be used. Adjectives and articles will also be tested.

4) OKSensay Week 15 Read Aloud Questions.


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